1998 Ballot Propositions |<
Arizona Secretary of State


This Publication Available in Alternate Formats

The 1998 Publicity Pamphlet is available in alternate formats. Arizona residents who need information about the 1998 ballot propositions in another format should contact the Election Services Division of the Secretary of State's Office at 602-542-8683, 1-877-THE-VOTE (1-877-843-8683), 800-458-5842, or TDD 602-255-8683.


Voter Registration Assistance

Arizona residents who need assistance with registering to vote should contact the appropriate county recorder at the number listed on the inside back cover.


Arizona residents may register to vote by mail. Forms are available at government offices and public locations throughout the state. Forms may be requested from the county recorder or by calling 1-877-THE-VOTE (1-877-843-8683), TDD 602-255-8683, or the Secretary of State's Web site at www.azsos.gov.


Accessibility for Voters

County election officials will accommodate special needs of voters who are physically unable to go to the polls or who need special access or special voting aids at polling places. Arizona residents who need assistance with voting should contact the appropriate county election department at the number listed on the inside back cover.




The Secretary of State's Office is an equal opportunity employer.


Proposition Number Page Number
100 An amendment to the Arizona Constitution referred by the Legislature adding rules relating to public retirement systems 6
Ballot format 12
101 An amendment to the Arizona Constitution referred by the Legislature relating to commission on salaries for elected state officers 13
Ballot format 17
102 An amendment to the Arizona Constitution referred by the Legislature relating to investment of State Trust funds 18
Ballot format 25
103 An amendment to the Arizona Constitution referred by the Legislature relating to voting in Primary Elections 26
Ballot format 32
104 An amendment to the Arizona Constitution referred by the Legislature relating to initiative and referendum 33
Ballot format42
105 Proposing an amendment to the Arizona Constitution by Initiative Petition relating to initiative and referendum 43
Ballot format 51
106 Proposing an amendment to the Arizona Constitution by Initiative Petition relating to voting in Primary Elections 52
Ballot format 59
200 Proposing an Act by Initiative Petition relating to a campaign finance funding and reporting system 60
Ballot format 92
201 Proposing an Act by Initiative Petition relating to creating the crime of cockfighting 93
Ballot format 113
202 Proposing an Act by Initiative Petition relating to creating a federal candidates' IRS pledge 114
Ballot format 121
300 Referendum ordered by Petition of the People relating to the medical use of Schedule I drugs 122
Ballot format 145
301 Referendum ordered by Petition of the People relating to probation eligibility for drug possession or use 146
Ballot format 158
302 Recommendation by the Commission on Salaries for Elective State Officers relating to salaries for State Legislators 159
Ballot format 162
303 An Act referred by the Legislature relating to appropriation of funds for open space land 163
Ballot format 176
304 An Act referred by the Legislature relating to the State Lottery termination date 177
Ballot format 190



In this pamphlet, proposed additions to Arizona's Constitution or laws are shown in CAPITAL LETTERS.


Proposed deletions to Arizona's Constitution or laws are shown by strikeouts.


At the time this pamphlet was printed, the verification of initiative petition signatures by the county recorders was not yet complete. It is possible that not all five of the propositions proposed by initiative petition will be on the General Election ballot on November 3, 1998.


For information about which propositions will be on the November ballot, visit the Secretary of State Web site, www.azsos.gov, or call 1-877- THE VOTE (1-877-843-8683). Those measures that achieve ballot status will be listed on the Web site upon completion of the verification process.