Election Information |
2018 Initiatives, Referendums & Recalls Initiative, Referendum and Recall Applications |
Last updated on July 12, 2018 at 09:33:55 AM Michele Reagan |
Unofficial |
Petition Serial Number |
Title / Sponsor / Description |
Filer ID | Appl. Date |
Due Date |
Signatures Required |
C-01-2018 | Initiative to re-legalize Marijuana in Arizona | 201800149 | March 22, 2017 | July 5, 2018 | 225,963 |
RAD Final 1 9806 N. 5th St. Phoenix, AZ 85020 (480) 580-8635 Mickey Jones, Applicant and Chairman |
This initiative is 100% complete legalization of marijuana, unlike the phony baloney Safer Arizona initiative. It forbids the government from taxing or regulating marijuana. It gives complete, automatic pardons to anyone convicted of a marijuana crime, civilly punishes government employees who violate a person marijuana rights, forbids extraditing for marijuana crimes, forbids the government from discriminating against marijuana users and requires the courts to accept cases involving marijuana. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
C-02-2018 | Initiative to re-legalize all drugs including marijuana, heroin, cocaine, LSD and peyote in Arizona | 201800150 | March 22, 2017 | July 5, 2018 | 225,963 |
RAD Final 2 9806 N. 5th Street Phoenix, AZ 85020 (480) 580-8635 Mickey Jones, Applicant and Chairman |
This initiative is 100% complete legalization of all drugs. It forbids the government from taxing or regulating any drug. It gives complete, automatic pardons to anyone convicted of a drug crime, civilly punishes government employees who violate a person drug rights, forbids extraditing for drug crimes, forbids the government from discriminating against drug users and requires the courts to accept cases involving drugs. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
C-03-2018 | Stop Political Dirty Money Amendment | 201800338 | November 29, 2017 | July 5, 2018 | 225,963 |
Outlaw Dirty Money 502 W Roosevelt St Phoenix, AZ 85003 (602) 633-5146 [email protected] Terry Goddard, Applicant and Chairperson William C Elliott, Treasurer |
The Stop Political Dirty Money Constitutional Amendment establishes your Right to Know the identity of all major contributors who are trying to influence the outcome of Arizona elections. Contributors will no longer be able to hide by transferring their money through intermediaries. Anyone spending more than $10,000 to oppose or support candidates or ballot measures must disclose everyone who contributed $2,500 or more promptly, publicly and under penalty of perjury. The money must be tracked back to its original source. Violators will be subject to fines. Rules to implement this Amendment will be written and enforced by a nonpartisan commission. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
C-04-2018 | Clean Energy for a Healthy Arizona Amendment | 201800444 | February 20, 2018 | July 5, 2018 | 225,963 |
Clean Energy for a Healthy Arizona 3120 North 19th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85015 (602) 283-9858 [email protected] Alejandra Gomez, Applicant and Chairperson Darryl Tattrie, Treasurer |
The Clean Energy for a Healthy Arizona Amendment requires affected electric utilities to provide at least 50% of their annual retail sales of electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030. The Amendment defines renewable energy sources to include solar, wind, small-scale hydropower, and other sources that are replaced rapidly by a natural, ongoing process (excluding nuclear or fossil fuel). Distributed renewable energy sources, like rooftop solar, must comprise at least 10% of utilities' annual retail sales of electricity by 2030. The Amendment allows electric utilities to earn and trade credits to meet these requirements. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
C-05-2018 | The Protect Arizona Taxpayers Act | 201800333 | March 9, 2018 | July 5, 2018 | 225,963 |
Citizens for Fair Tax Policy 516 East Willetta Street Phoenix, AZ 85004 (602) 625-2750 [email protected] Holly Mabery, Applicant and Chairperson Kent Simpson, Treasurer |
This measure would amend the Arizona Constitution to prohibit the state government, as well as county, municipal and other political subdivision governments and taxing districts, from imposing or increasing any transaction-based taxes, fees, stamp requirements, or assessments on any service performed in Arizona, or on the gross receipts of sales or gross income derived from any service performed in Arizona. The amendment does not repeal or nullify any tax, fee, stamp requirement, or assessment that was in effect as of December 31, 2017. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
I-07-2018 | Citizens right to convene grand jury | 201800131 | February 27, 2017 | July 5, 2018 | 225,963 |
Citizen Grand Jury 2509 N. Campbell Ave., Box 111 Tucson, AZ 85719 520-420-5811 Nicolas Guillermo, Applicant and Chairperson Tracy Molina, Treasurer |
This act may be cited as the "Citizens right to convene grand jury." Arizona's ballot mechanisms include all means of checks and balances for the people under the Constitution, except for the right to convene a "Citizen Grand Jury." This act shall give Arizona voters the right to have our county attorneys or Attorney General represent us and serve in prosecution on behalf of the will of the voters. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
I-01-2018 | Marijuana Dispensary Act | 201800004 | November 17, 2016 | July 5, 2018 | 150,642 |
Arizona Marijuana Patient Society 1000 W. Apache Trl #108 AJ, AZ 85120 480-983-5060 Timothy Cronin, Applicant and Director Joshua Cronin, Director |
We are going to make the state fee be lowered to $10.00 for the medical marijuana card as well as change the 25 mile rule for carded patients to grow marijuana, to 1 mile from an operating dispensary. We are also adding more medical conditions , making the law clearer about how many months the qualifying patients records are good from. We are also making it possible for out of state card holders to obtain medical marijuana from a Arizona state licensed dispensary. We are also changing from 1 dispensary per 10 pharmacies to 4 per 10 pharmacies. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
I-02-2018 | Arizona Popular Vote | 201800031 | December 19, 2016 | July 5, 2018 | 150,642 |
Arizona Popular Vote 2030 W Baseline Rd #182-2021 Phoenix, AZ 85041 480-565-7177 Michael Mantel, Applicant and President Orlando Machuca, Treasurer |
Joins Arizona to an interstate agreement to elect the President by national popular vote. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
I-03-2018 | Safer Arizona Cannabis Legalization Act | 201600604 | February 16, 2017 | July 5, 2018 | 150,642 |
Safer Arizona 2018 14010 N Cave Creek Road suite #302 Phoenix, Arizona, 85022 623-200-7722 David Wisniewski, Applicant and Chairman Catalina Vargas, Treasurer |
REFILED AS I-04-2018 ON 02/21/2017 DUE TO CHANGE IN TEXT | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
I-04-2018 | Safer Arizona Cannabis Legalization Act | 201600604 | February 21, 2017 | July 5, 2018 | 150,642 |
Safer Arizona 2018 14040 N Cave Creek Road suite #307 Phoenix, Arizona, 85022 623-200-7722 David Wisniewski, Applicant and Chairman Catalina Vargas, Treasurer |
REFILED AS I-05-2018 ON 02/22/2017 DUE TO CHANGE IN TEXT | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
I-05-2018 | Safer Arizona Cannabis Legalization Act | 201600604 | February 22, 2017 | July 5, 2018 | 150,642 |
Safer Arizona 2018 14040 N Cave Creek Road #307 Phoenix, Arizona, 85022 623-200-7722 David Wisniewski, Applicant and Chairman Catalina Vargas, Treasurer |
REFILED AS I-06-2018 ON 02/27/2017 DUE TO CHANGE IN TEXT | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
I-06-2018 | Safer Arizona Cannabis Legalization Act | 201600604 | February 27, 2017 | July 5, 2018 | 150,642 |
Safer Arizona 2018 14040 N Cave Creek Road #307 Phoenix, Arizona, 85022 623-200-7722 David Wisniewski, Applicant and Chairman Catalina Vargas, Treasurer |
REFILED AS I-12-2018 ON 03/27/2017 DUE TO CHANGE IN TEXT | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
I-08-2018 | The Hemp Freedom Act | 201800133 | February 27, 2017 | July 5, 2018 | 150,642 |
Hemp Economy 2509 N. Campbell Ave #111 Tucson, AZ 85719 520-427-5811 Nicolas Guillermo, Applicant and Chairperson Tracy Molina, Treasurer |
The Hemp Freedom Act seeks to make it legal fo plant, grow, harvest, possess, process, sell or buy industrial hemp (cannabis sativa I) in the State of Arizona. Industrial hemp; being that which contains not more than four tenths of one percent tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is considered an oilseed and all federal prohibitions are hereby declared null and void as per the 10th amendment of the Constitution allowing for each state to govern itself first & foremost, and for the regulation of agriculture to be reserved for the States, not the Federal Government. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
I-09-2018 | Protect Arizona Agriculture Act | 201800134 | February 27, 2017 | July 5, 2018 | 150,642 |
Organic Now 2509 N. Campbell Ave., Box 111 Tucson, AZ 85719 520-420-5811 Nicolas Guillermo, Applicant and Chairperson Tracy Molina, Treasurer |
This act may be cited as the "Protect Arizona Agriculture Act." Agricultural chemicals threaten pollinators crucial to Arizona's agriculture. The Associate Director of Agriculture shall be responsible for ensuring that comprehensive health analysis and health risk assessments of agricultural chemicals on humans, domestic animals, and pollinators are reviewed and reported to the legislature. The Associate Director of Agriculture shall suspend the registration of all branches of the nitrogroup of neonicotinoids and regulate agricultural chemicals as necessary to protect Arizona's agriculture and the health of its citizens. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
I-10-2018 | Save Oak Flat Act | 201800130 | February 27, 2017 | July 5, 2018 | 150,642 |
Save Oak Flat 2509 N. Campbell Ave. #111 Tucson, AZ 85719 520-427-5811 Nicolas Guillermo, Applicant and Chairperson Tracy Molina, Treasurer |
This act may be cited as the "Save Oak Flat Act." This Act nullifies Section 3003 of the Carl Levin and Howard P. "Buck" McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015. The People declare that the legislatures lack of protection of tribal sacred areas located on Federal land poses significant religious, cultural, historic, and anthropological significance for Indian tribes. We the People of Arizona declare that this land and water is crucial to Arizona and must be protected. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
I-11-2018 | Legal Tender Act | 201800132 | February 27, 2017 | July 5, 2018 | 150,642 |
Free Market Solutions 2509 N. Campbell Ave. Box 111 Tucson, AZ 85719 520-427-5811 Nicolas Guillermo, Applicant and Chairperson Tracy Molina, Treasurer |
This act may be cited as the "Legal Tender Act." Precious metal specie and crypto-currency offer people reasonable market hedges and protection from rising taxation, enabling greater financial security. Free markets increase prosperity along with security for peoples property. Involuntary taxation through coercion is theft, therefore; the people of Arizona shall encourage voluntary free markets outside of State & Federal Government taxation, guaranteed under our protections from the Ninth and Tenth amendments. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
I-12-2018 | Safer Arizona Cannabis Legalization Act | 201600604 | March 7, 2017 | July 5, 2018 | 150,642 |
Safer Arizona 2018 14040 N Cave Creek Road #307 Phoenix, Arizona, 85022 623-200-7722 David Wisniewski, Applicant and Chairman Catalina Vargas, Treasurer |
The Safer Arizona Cannabis Legalization Act: (1) LEGALIZES the possession, consumption, cultivation and sales of cannabis for adults at least twenty-one years of age; (2) DECRIMINALIZES cannabis offences and replaces them with fines and misdemeanors; (3) creates a system in which licensed businesses will resell cannabis and cannabis products; (4) establishes a sales tax on retail cannabis sales, from which the revenue will be allocated to education; (5) places cannabis under the Department of Agriculture; (6) prevents the state from conspiring with other governments to enforce cannabis prohibition laws; (7) provides post conviction relief for prior cannabis offense violations. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
I-13-2018 | Iniative to Provide Excellence in Arizona Schools | 201800300 | September 22, 2017 | July 5, 2018 | 150,642 |
Legislative Underground P.O. Box 296 Cornville, AZ 86325 928-639-1885 [email protected] Robert W. Donahue, Applicant and Chairperson Barbara A. Donahue, Treasurer |
An initiative requiring Arizona Public Schools to provide statewide all day kindergarden, english language learning, arts and humanities, tuition free community college, trade education, physical education and to set high goals for passage of AZ Merit and High School graduation. This initiative increases student funding by 36% and teacher pay by 30% and requires teacher certification. It establishes a $200 million Capital Improvement Fund and reimburses the Permanent Endowment Trust Fund for excess distribution from proposition 123. This initiative is funded by ending all exemptions to the state sales tax that are not individually reinstated by the legislature. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
I-14-2018 | Arizonans for Wildlife | 201800281 | September 25, 2017 | July 5, 2018 | 150,642 |
Arizonans for Wildlife 2390 E. Camelback Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85016 602-677-9335 [email protected] Kellye A. Pinkleton, Applicant and Chairperson Cheryl Naumann, Treasurer |
Bobcats, mountain lions, lynx, jaguars and ocelots, defined in this measure as "wild cats," have significant ecological value and these vulnerable animals should be shielded from trophy hunters looking to kill them for their heads or fur. This measure protects these species by prohibiting needless killing and injuring of wild cats by shooting, trapping, using packs of hounds, or other inhumane methods. The measure authorizes exceptions for killing wild cats that threaten personal safety, property, or livestock. The measure also allows for conservation activities by researchers, zoos, and rehabilitation facilities. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
I-15-2018 | Kidney Dialysis Patient Protection Act | 201800468 | March 26, 2018 | July 5, 2018 | 150,642 |
Arizonans for Kidney Dialysis Patient Protection 2239 West Baseline Road Tempe, AZ 85283 (480) 588-6120 [email protected] René Bernal-Mejia, Applicant Arianna Jimenez, Chairperson Suzanne Jimenez, Treasurer |
This measure would require annual inspections of dialysis centers to ensure their provision of high-quality and affordable patient care through adequate hygiene, sanitation, and infection control; compliance with applicable laws; and adequacy of patient care. It would require dialysis centers or entities that own and operate them to refund to payers those charges that are more than 15 percent above the costs of direct patient care and health care quality improvements. The measure would require dialysis centers and the entities that own and operate them to submit compliance reports to the Department of Health Services, and authorize penalties for non-compliance. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
I-16-2018 | Invest in Education Act | 201800525 | April 27, 2018 | July 5, 2018 | 150,642 |
Invest in Education Committee 3030 North 3rd Street, Suite 650 Phoenix, AZ 85012 (602) 266-0707 [email protected] Joshua Buckley, Applicant and Chairperson David Lujan, Treasurer |
REFILED AS I-17-2018 ON 04/30/2018 | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
I-17-2018 | Invest in Education Act | 201800525 | April 30, 2018 | July 5, 2018 | 150,642 |
Invest in Education Committee 3030 North 3rd Street, Suite 650 Phoenix, AZ 85012 (602) 266-0707 [email protected] Joshua Buckley, Applicant and Chairperson David Lujan, Treasurer |
The Invest in Education Act increases the classroom site fund by raising the income tax rate by 3.46% on individual incomes over a quarter million dollars (or household incomes over half a million dollars), and by 4.46% on individual incomes over half a million dollars (or household incomes over a million dollars); designates 60% of new funds for teacher salaries and 40% for operations; adds full day kindergarten and pay raises for student support services personnel as permitted fund uses; requires governing boards seek teacher and personnel input on fund use plans; defines teacher and student support services personnel. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
RC-01-2018 | Recall Doug Ducey | 201800167 | April 7, 2017 | August 5, 2017 | 376,604 |
Con of Cons Doug Ducey Az. Gov. Recall Committee 21056 N. 34th Drive Phoenix, AZ 85027 602-592-4142 Leonard Clark, Applicant and Chair Deborah O'Dowd, Treasurer |
AZ. governor Doug Ducey of Arizona has violated the very spirit of Arizona's Progressive and Democratic constitution by his signing of h.b. 2404 into law an anti-Democracy initiative measure which takes away the will of the people. He has therefore shown complete and utter disdain for our founders and its western Democratic traditions. Gov. Ducey has also arm twisted the Legislature into passing a theocratic measure which would use our public tax dollars to indoctrinate favored religions into school children and therefore violate certain provisions of the U.S. constitution such as the 14th amend. and Establishment clauses. Doug Ducey this is your indictment by the people of AZ! |
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
RC-02-2018 | Campaign to Recall John McCain | 201800450 | February 13, 2018 | June 13, 2018 | 632,683 |
Campaign to Recall John McCain 7828 N. 14th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85021 (480) 939-7613 [email protected] Vann Gutier, Applicant and Chairperson Reagan Gutier, Treasurer |
John McCain has been absent from his job serving Arizona citizens in the United States Senate. He is not returning phone calls, emails, none the less showing up for work. He has a serious illness and may be incapacitated from doing his duties to citizens of Arizona. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
R-01-2018 | Grassroots Citizens Concerned | 201800155 | March 30, 2017 | August 8, 2017 | 75,321 |
Grassroots Citizens Concerned 2020 W Hayward Ave, Apt 13 Phoenix, AZ 85021 602 492 4201 Mike Shipley, Applicant and Chair Kim Ruff, Treasurer |
This petition seeks to refer 2017 Laws, Chapter 52 (House Bill 2404), the principle provisions of which are: (1) prohibiting payment of statewide initiative or referendum petition circulators on a per signature basis; (2) classifies so doing as a class 1 misdemeanor; (3) declares signatures so gathered void and prohibits counting them; (4) extends time period for challenges to circulator registration from 5 to 10 days; (5) permits any person to challenge such petitions and seek enjoinment; (6) requires consolidation of such challenges; and (7) modifies the allowable time period for, and who may seek, legislative review. |
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
R-02-2018 | Save Our Schools Arizona | 201800186 | May 11, 2017 | August 8, 2017 | 75,321 |
Save Our Schools Arizona PO Box 28370 Tempe, AZ 85285 (480) 861-7988 [email protected] Beth Lewis, Chairperson Catherine Sigmon, Treasurer |
This petition seeks to refer 2017 Laws, Chapter 139 (SB 1431), the principal provisions of which expand eligibility for Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs), commonly referred to as school vouchers; remove the existing ESA enrollment cap, and increase it annually by 0.5% of total public school enrollment through 2022; and cap ESA enrollment in 2023. SB 1431 includes other provisions, including but not limited to the administration of the ESA Program, distribution of ESA monies, and adoption of policies and procedures. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
R-03-2018 | Voters of Arizona | 201800193 | May 11, 2017 | August 8, 2017 | 75,321 |
Voters of Arizona 10645 N TATUM BLVD STE 200-191 Phoenix, AZ 85028 [email protected] (602) 258-2599 Joel Grant Woods, Chairperson Paul Johnson, Applicant and Treasurer |
This petition seeks to refer Sections 3 and 5 of 2017 Laws, Chapter 52 (HB 2404). Section 3 prohibits the payment or receipt of money or any other thing of value based on the number of signatures collected on a statewide initiative or referendum petition, and makes any violation of this section a crime. Section 5 states that the per signature payment prohibition is necessary to prevent fraud. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||
R-04-2018 | Voters of Arizona | 201800193 | May 11, 2017 | August 8, 2017 | 75,321 |
Voters of Arizona 10645 N TATUM BLVD STE 200-191 Phoenix, AZ 85028 [email protected] (602) 258-2599 Joel Grant Woods, Chairperson Paul Johnson, Applicant and Treasurer |
This petition seeks to refer 2017 Laws, Chapter 151 (HB 2244), the principal provisions of which [1] impose a strict compliance standard for initiative petitions; [2] require the secretary of state to provide a sample initiative petition that strictly complies with the law; [3] direct the secretary of state to prepare an initiative, referendum, and recall handbook; [4] find that the citizen initiative is an extraordinary power not easily amended by the legislature; and [5] declare that initiative petitions should be held to the same strict compliance standard as referendum petitions. | |||||
Click here for full text of initiative: PDF | |||||