Contents of this Issue
General Information 1768
Public Participation in the Rulemaking Process 1769
Notices of Proposed Rulemaking 1770
4 A.A.C. 48 Arizona Uniform Plumbing Code Commission 1770
14 A.A.C. 4 Corporation Commission - Securities 1794
17 A.A.C. 4 Department of Transportation - Motor Vehicle Division 1796
Notices of Termination of Rulemaking 1802
18 A.A.C. 12 Department of Environmental Quality - Underground Storage Tanks 1802
Notices of Rulemaking Docket Opening 1803
4 A.A.C. 19 Board of Nursing 1803
4 A.A.C. 48 Arizona Uniform Plumbing Code Commission 1803
7 A.A.C. 1 State Board of Directors for Community Colleges of Arizona 1804
9 A.A.C. 32 Group Homes for Individuals Who are Developmentally Disabled 1806
15 A.A.C. 2 Department of Revenue - Income and Withholding Tax Section 1807
15 A.A.C. 10 Department of Revenue - General Administration 1808
15 A.A.C. 12 Department of Revenue - Property Tax Oversight Commission 1809
17 A.A.C. 4 Department of Transportation - Motor Vehicle Division 1810
18 A.A.C. 12 Department of Environmental Quality - Underground Storage Tanks 1810
20 A.A.C. 4 Banking Department 1811
Notices of Public Information 1814
Department of Commerce 1814
Department of Insurance 1845
Index 1853
Register and Code Deadlines 1862
Governor's Regulatory Review Council Deadlines 1864
Order Form 1865