Volume 9, Issue 14 April 4, 2003
Contents of this Issue
General Information 1114
Public Participation in the Rulemaking Process 1115
Notices of Proposed Rulemaking 1116
17 A.A.C. 1 Department of Transportation - Administration 1116
17 A.A.C. 8 Department of Transportation - Taxes 1119
20 A.A.C. 4 Banking Department 1121
Notices of Termination of Rulemaking 1124
17 A.A.C. 5 Department of Transportation - Commercial Programs 1124
Notices of Final Rulemaking 1125
7 A.A.C. 2 State Board of Education 1125
12 A.A.C. 1 Radiation Regulatory Agency 1126
17 A.A.C. 4 Department of Transportation - Title, Registration, and Driver Licenses 1158
20 A.A.C. 5 Industrial Commission of Arizona 1161
Notices of Rulemaking Docket Opening 1163
17 A.A.C. 5 Department of Transportation - Commercial Programs 1163
17 A.A.C. 6 Department of Transportation - Overdimensional Permits 1164
Governor's Executive Orders/Proclamations 1165
Executive Order 2003-01 Establishment of an Arizona Geographic Information Council 1165
Executive Order 2003-02 Establishing the Governor's 9-11 Memorial Commission 1167
Index 1169
Effective Date Schedule and Register and Code Deadlines 1176
Governor's Regulatory Review Council Deadlines 1179