Volume 12, Issue 25 June 23, 2006
Contents of this Issue
General Information 2180
Public Participation in the Rulemaking Process 2181
Notices of Supplemental Proposed Rulemaking 2182
4 A.A.C. 23 Board of Pharmacy 2182
Notices of Final Rulemaking 2186
4 A.A.C. 46 Board of Appraisal 2186
9 A.A.C. 22 Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System - Administration 2188
12 A.A.C. 15 Department of Water Resources 2193
Notices of Emergency Rulemaking 2233
6 A.A.C. 5 Department of Economic Security - Social Services 2233
Notices of Recodification 2243
9 A.A.C. 25 Department of Health Services - Emergency Medical Services 2243
Notices of Rulemaking Docket Opening 2245
17 A.A.C. 2 Department of Transportation - Aeronautics Division 2245
17 A.A.C. 4 Department of Transportation - Title, Registration, and Driver Licenses 2246
Notices of Substantive Policy Statement 2247
Board of Physical Therapy 2247
Department of Health Services 2248
Department of Health Services 2249
Governor's Executive Orders/Proclamations 2251
Arizona Severe Weather Awareness Week 2251
Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis Awareness Month 2252
National Stroke Awareness Month 2252
Older Americans Month 2253
Arizona Memorial Day Observance 2006 2254
National Hunger Awareness Day 2006 2255
Juneteenth 2255
Phoenix Suns Week 2256
Index 2258
Effective Date Schedule and Register and Code Deadlines 2269
Governor's Regulatory Review Council Deadlines 2272