Arizona Secretary of State


Arizona Administrative Register Volume 12, 2006

Volume 12, Issue 3 January 20, 2006

Contents of this Issue

General Information 164

Public Participation in the Rulemaking Process 165

Notices of Proposed Rulemaking 166

4 A.A.C. 22 Board of Osteopathic Examiners in Medicine and Surgery 166

17 A.A.C. 5 Department of Transportation - Commercial Programs 170

Notices of Termination of Rulemaking 175

17 A.A.C. 5 Department of Transportation - Commercial Programs 175

Notices of Final Rulemaking 176

3 A.A.C. 9 Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Councils and Commissions 176

9 A.A.C. 4 Department of Health Services - Noncommunicable Diseases 179

Notices of Rulemaking Docket Opening 191

17 A.A.C. 5 Department of Transportation - Commercial Programs 191

County Notices Pursuant to A.R.S. § 49-112 192

Pima County Department of Environmental Quality 192

Notices of Substantive Policy Statement 193

State Land Department 193

Governor's Executive Orders/Proclamations 194

"Go Red for Women" Day 194

National Patriotism Week 195

Peace Corps Week 195

Index 197

Effective Date Schedule and Register and Code Deadlines 199

Governor's Regulatory Review Council Deadlines 202