Arizona Secretary of State


Arizona Administrative Register Volume 13, 2007

Volume 13, Issue 14 April 6, 2007

Contents of this Issue

General Information 1202

Public Participation in the Rulemaking Process 1203

Notices of Proposed Rulemaking 1204

9 A.A.C. 25 Department of Health Services - Emergency Medical Services 1204

12 A.A.C. 7 Oil and Gas Conservation Commission 1213

Notices of Final Rulemaking 1216

4 A.A.C. 20 Board of Dispensing Opticians 1216

12 A.A.C. 1 Radiation Regulatory Agency 1217

17 A.A.C. 5 Department of Transportation - Commercial Programs 1262

Notices of Exempt Rulemaking 1266

7 A.A.C. 2 State Board of Education 1266

Notices of Expiration of Rules Under A.R.S. § 41-1056(E) 1278

20 A.A.C. 6 Department of Insurance 1278

Notices of Rulemaking Docket Opening 1279

4 A.A.C. 23 Board of Pharmacy 1279

18 A.A.C. 13 Department of Environmental Quality - Solid Waste Management 1280

County Notices Pursuant to A.R.S. § 49-112 1281

Pima County Department of Environmental Quality 1281

Governor's Executive Orders/Proclamations 1283

Postpartum Mood Disorders Awareness Month 1283

Tucson Peacewalk Day 1283

Arizona Navy Week 1284

Arizona Cleanup Day 1285

Wildfire Awareness Week 1285

Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2007 1286

Greek Independence Day 1287

GI Nurses Day 1288

Official Arizona Premier Earth Month Event 1288

Arizona Give Kids a Smile Day 1289

Arizona Patient Partners Month 1289

Index 1291

Effective Date Schedule and Register and Code Deadlines 1297

Governor's Regulatory Review Council Deadlines 1300