Volume 13, Issue 17 April 27, 2007
Contents of this Issue
General Information 1452
Public Participation in the Rulemaking Process 1453
Notices of Proposed Rulemaking 1454
12 A.A.C. 15 Department of Water Resources 1454
15 A.A.C. 12 Department of Revenue - Property Tax Oversight Commission 1461
Notices of Final Rulemaking 1464
3 A.A.C. 4 Department of Agriculture - Plant Services Division 1464
4 A.A.C. 19 Board of Nursing 1483
4 A.A.C. 26 Board of Psychologist Examiners 1493
4 A.A.C. 46 Board of Appraisal 1503
Notices of Emergency Rulemaking 1509
3 A.A.C. 2 Department of Agriculture - Animal Services Division 1509
Notices of Exempt Rulemaking 1512
9 A.A.C. 2 Department of Health Services - Tobacco Tax-funded Programs 1512
Notices of Rulemaking Docket Opening 1532
4 A.A.C. 30 Board of Technical Registration 1532
15 A.A.C. 12 Department of Revenue - Property Tax Oversight Commission 1532
Governor's Executive Orders/Proclamations 1534
Arizona Crime Victims' Rights Week 1534
Arizona Stroke Awareness Month 1535
Beta Sigma Phi Week 1535
Cover the Uninsured Week 1536
Massing of the Colors and Service of Remembrance Day 1537
Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month 1538
National Radiological Nurses Day 1538
Public Works Week 1539
Small Business Success Day 1539
Valley Bike Month 1540
Index 1541
Effective Date Schedule and Register and Code Deadlines 1548
Governor's Regulatory Review Council Deadlines 1551